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I have had Rid-e wheelchair since 2016. I am very satisfied with it, it is reasonably fast, powerful and I can go a long way on a single charge of my two batteries. Before I got Rid-e, I had an ordinary electric scooter for old age people – it was quite uncomparable to Rid-e. Rid-e is far better. I don’t know about any other product that would surpass the riding qualities of Rid-e. Personally, I must say that I am very happy with it and will be glad if Rid-e continues in its further development and sale. I took my Rid-e even to New Zealand. It was easily transported by plane. In the attachment I am sending you one of the very first photos of the almost original design of Rid-e!


J. Teichmann, Ostrava


My name is Jiří Rašner and I have had Rid-e since 2015. I really appreciate that you started producing such vehicles. Getting Rid-e meant for me that after 10 years I had a chance again to go out into nature where I used to love going when I was still healthy. Thanks to Rid-e, I was able to join my friends from cycling club BT 2000 on numerous lovely trips round the country near our town and had a chance to participate in many cultural events organised by Moravská Třebová. Precisely as Ivo Kaštan says: “Wind blowing in your hair is a feeling of adrenalin that is difficult to describe and gives you more energy than anything else.”

Thanks, Jirka Rašner, Moravská Třebová

My name is Josef Rufer, I got the Rid-e three-wheeler thanks to the Černí Koně foundation because I could not afford to buy it. The wheelchair has changed my life completely. I call it Bubinka and it has changed me from an old grumpy man to an energetic fellow full of life. I have had it since 2016 and I have ridden 2,500 km in one year!

Josef Rufer, Vižňov

My name is Vlastimil Míka. I have been using the Rid-e wheelchair for over a year now. I am very satisfied with it, as it fully meets my mobility needs in Pilsen and the surrounding area. The benefit of Rid-e in comparison to other manufacturers’ products is the longer range. I find the double-use opportunity great. By this I mean that the wheelchair can be used both in its completeness and also when disassembled, that is, as a manually operated mechanical wheelchair. Other advantages include the possibility to transport the disassembled wheelchair in cars with less storage space; an acceptable total weight; and ease of the mechanic interconnection. I have been using your product with satisfaction and hope to use it for a long time to come. 

Vlastík Míka


My name is Katja Hais and I became paralysed during pregnancy as a result of bleeding into my spinal cord. I have two kids and almost our whole family rides on Rid-e. My husband added a buggyboard to the cart, so I can pick-up both children from preschool.


When the weather permits, I ride around town with the kids, I can be with them for children’s day, the lampion parade, collect chestnuts, have ice-cream, go to the river, and simply be a part of their life, which is amazing. Rid-e for me means freedom, life!!

Thank you for Rid-e Katja Hais

Jan Černý – Rid-e owner since December 2016


For me Rid-e mainly represents a return to being among friends and cyclers. Within 8 months I travelled not only across the Czech Republic, but also Germany, Austria, Italy, Slovenia and Hungary. Everywhere I went, my cart drew a lot of attention and admiration. So far I have gone approx. 1,000 km.


My name is Katja Hais and I became paralysed during pregnancy as a result of bleeding into my spinal cord. I have two kids and almost our whole family rides on Rid-e. My husband added a buggyboard to the cart, so I can pick-up both children from preschool.


When the weather permits, I ride around town with the kids, I can be with them for children’s day, the lampion parade, collect chestnuts, have ice-cream, go to the river, and simply be a part of their life, which is amazing. Rid-e for me means freedom, life!!

Thank you for Rid-e Katja Hais

“We tested for you - the Rid-e”

The link to the whole article is here.

“Bike racer Kaštan construed a new vehicle, a three-wheeler that will help disabled people.”


... an electric three-wheeler that will help people tied to a wheelchair move on streets and roads as well as in the countryside. It was designed and launched onto the market by the motorbike racer and designer from Velké Meziříčí, Ivo Kaštan. The Rid-e vehicle, which is in fact a wheelchair combined with a motorbike, is easily controlled by the rider’s hands via a handlebar where all control elements are placed ...

The link to the whole article is here.

“The former motorbike racer Ivo Kaštan produces electric three-wheelers for disabled people. We sell wind in the hair, he says”


I have been thinking about the idea for a long time. For example, once I was going shopping and met a woman on an electric wheelchair. And on my way back, I met her again, still on the way to the shop. Such a wheelchair can make 6 km per hour at the very maximum,” Kaštan explains.

The link to the whole article is here.

“He is the only one in the world who produces motorbikes for disable people. They want adrenalin just like anyone else!”

...Rid-e is a transport vehicle that combines the features of a self-driven wheelchair and a scooter. It has been on the market for a few months only. Its designer, Ivo Kaštan, says that the aim was not to purely add an engine to a wheelchair just to make it go faster. He wanted to make something that would make the ride fun and enjoyable……

The link to the whole article is here.

“Pike on the wheelchair market”


...From a legislative perspective, we are talking about a bike with an additional engine and as such, it does not need a driving licence. However, until the age of 18, it is compulsory to wear a helmet. All control elements are placed on the handlebar and are controlled by hands only...

The link to the whole article is here.

“Rid-e: enjoyable and practical motorbike goes into production”


... Kaštan’s new invention, Rid-e, is a light, agile and, compared to common electric wheelchairs, also fast vehicle. It should enable disabled people to move faster and give them the feeling of joy. “Once, my friend’s son came for a ride and his father told me that after five years, it was the first time he saw him smile again,” Ivo Kaštan says. He offers a ride to anyone who is interested. All you need to do is send an email or call his assembly shop in Velké Meziříčí....

The link to the whole article is here.

“Thanks to a foundation and his fellow citizens, disabled Stanislav Hájek got a new wheelchair”


Disabled Stanislav Hájek from Rudíkov received Rid-e, a special electric wheelchair in Velké Meziříčí. The purchase of the wheelchair was funded by the ČEZ Foundation as part of the EPP Project Pomáhej pohybem (Help By Moving) and by contribution of citizens of Rudíkov and surrounding villages, and the Konto Bariéry foundation.

The link to the whole article is here.

… The model that we tested was fitted with an anatomic seat that brings certain comfort and stability to the body – something that namely disabled users will appreciate. As the rider virtually falls into the seat, there is no need for him to be “fastened” despite the fact that the seat is prepared for multiple-point safety belts. …


Elektrovozík Černým koním
Ministerstvo průmyslu a obchodu ČR

Elektrovozík Černým koním

BlueTouch, s.r.o. 

U hranic 3221/18, Strašnice

100 00 Praha 10

IČ: 09437223 | DIČ: CZ09437223

Kanceláře a showroom:

Zelený pruh 1974/109

14000 Praha 4

Po - Pá: 8,30 – 16,00

Vyzkoušení vozíku možné i mimo pracovní dobu po telefonické dohodě.

Tel.: +420 770 124 387



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